If you really want it You can have it.
What is it you wish for?

A harmonious and fulfilling marriage?

A close and loving relationship with your kids?

A calm, stress-free life with a deep connection to Hashem?
You can have it. And you don’t need to figure it out on your own.
Dina is here to show you the fast track to the life you’ve always wanted. She shares life transforming ideas, formulas, and tools that have helped thousands of Jewish women worldwide realize their dreams.
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Power Series
Your dream career, your perfect house, your ideal shidduch, and so much more. It’s possible.
Learn the life-changing secrets to harnessing the power of tefillah, emunah, and hishtadlus to actualize your deepest desires.

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and save $37.35!
Generations in Harmony
Is your child getting married?
Are you Parenting marrieds?
Navigating the huge change can be difficult, but Dina gives you the support you need as your child transitions into married life.
Learn to create and maintain loving, healthy, meaningful relationships with your married children.

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and save $44.85!
Chanoch L'naar Parenting Program
When do I use discipline vs nurturing? What works? What doesn’t?
Find comprehensive direction, guidelines, and tried-and-true strategies to help you parent effectively with confidence.

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and save $37.35
Mastery 1:
Master your Mind and Emotions
Access a state of true joy and inner peace by eliminating toxic thoughts and emotions while nourishing your mind with positivity.

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and save $34.35
Mastery 2:
Master your Spiritual Connection and Purpose
Unlock the secrets to being your true self while nurturing a profound spiritual bond with our ever-loving Father.

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and save $37.35
Mastery 3:
Master your Marriage
Living in harmony with your spouse is more in your control than you think.
Learn the formula for the ultimate marriage experience.
Join with a friend and you'll each get a 15% discount!</span

Small investment, big impact.

Go for clarity, healing, and ultimately – success!

Invite Dina to talk
Give your audience another reason to show up with a speech or workshop from one of the biggest marriage, parenting, and self-transformation experts in the frum world.

Small investment, big impact.

Go for clarity, healing, and ultimately – success!

Invite Dina to talk
Give your audience another reason to show up with a speech or workshop from one of the biggest marriage, parenting, and self-transformation experts in the frum world.
I learned what was realistic to expect with a daughter-in-law and what I can do to allow a loving relationship to naturally emerge. My daughter-in-law, who had not previously opened up to me, began confiding in me once I learnt the tools on
I didn’t realize that my unrealistic expectations were causing so much resentment in the relationship between me and my in laws. This program was a real eye opener for me and it totally changed the way I relate to them. Our relationship is so much more respectful and loving now that I understand their perspective!
I’m married for a few years, and Generations in Harmony has been so enlightening and validating for me. It put words to all the changes that I went thru when getting married, and helped me understand what was so overwhelming about the experience
The most empowering aspect of this program was being able to put down the emotional burden of responsibility and guilt that I held for my married kids.
I have tried other chinuch programs, but Chanoch L’naar is the most comprehensive of them all. Dina presents the issues as though she has been standing in my kitchen! Her explanations are clear, using step-by-step guidance. I took this course when my oldest was 5, and now that he is becoming a teen, I see how I really know how to handle what comes my way, thanks to this program.
My son kept dropping comments that we should include him on an upcoming family trip. I knew that wouldn't work for us. Before Generations in Harmony, telling him this would have caused deep hurt and anger. Instead, the conversation went smoothly and didn’t harm our relationship because I learned how to communicate effectively and I was not afraid to be open and honest.
My desire to spoil my couple and welcome them into the family caused a sense of entitlement and I didn’t know how to break the cycle. The Generations in Harmony program taught me how to be true to myself without hurting our relationship. Now I know how to speak to them in an authentic and loving way and the relationship dynamics is so much simpler!
Due to a complicated set of circumstances, I had to navigate a difficult situation with my newly married couple that strained our family bonds. The biggest gift I got from Generations in Harmony was recognizing what I can control and what I cannot, and how to bring myself to a place of peace even in circumstances that were beyond my control.
In the past, I worried about my married kids all the time. I wondered how they were doing, and I couldn’t let go emotionally or energetically. With the pre-marriage talks Dina taught us to have with our kids, I was able to set my child up before his wedding in every way. He got married a few weeks ago, and this time I was totally at peace. Generations in Harmony is a game changer!
"I joined PowerSeries while in shidduchim, and marrying someone from my country, (I'm European), was one thing that I wanted that just didn't seem possible. After following all the steps in the program, I was redt to my now-husband, who is everything I ever davened for - and European! Thank you, Dina! Thank you for showing me how to turn my dreams into reality."
After having suffered from second infertility for many years, I decided to take the Power Series. The program was life-transforming and I have gained so much! It helped me align with my dream and clear my blockages. I'm due soon iy'H, and I am so grateful to you Dina for helping me discover the path to manifesting my deepest desire!
"My life really took a turn after taking the Power Series. Dina Friedman really helped me find my sense of purpose and direction. I was able to launch a successful business and I feel confident in my ability to face challenges that come up."
"The PowerSeries changed my life. Dina talks about the principles of manifestation in the most down-to-earth way, and she guides you through abstract concepts with concrete exercises. I was really able to incorporate the lessons I’ve learned and transform many areas of my life with my new tools."
My home has become a more loving and spiritual place to be. There is a lot less friction and fighting, and so much more understanding between us. I cannot overemphasize how rewarding Chanoch Lnaar has been, and how it has changed my life. I highly recommend that every mother grab the opportunity to take this course, as it is a true gift that you and your children will benefit from for years to come!
My life and the lives of my ten children have been completely transformed, redefined, and reinvented by taking Chanoch L’naar. Dina shares her own experiences with us as an equal, with all the candor and camaraderie of an older sister over a warm cup of coffee. Her parenting methodology is well thought-out and easy to implement. I thank H-shem that He sent this program into my life!
I have tried other chinuch programs, but Chanoch L’naar is the most comprehensive of them all. Dina presents the issues as though she has been standing in my kitchen! Her explanations are clear, using step-by-step guidance. I took this course when my oldest was 5, and now that he is becoming a teen, I see how I really know how to handle what comes my way, thanks to this program.
I took Chanoch L’naar 5 years ago, and looking back I see how much it changed me, and transformed my home. The biggest advantage was the confidence I got in my parenting. I can stay calm in every situation, no matter the challenge, because I have so many different ideas and techniques to deal with what comes up. Thank you Dina!
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