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Sari Verschleiser

Sari’s unique blend of depth, gentleness, and down-to-earth personality puts her clients at ease and gives them the skills and confidence to reach their goal. She empowers women to find fulfillment, passion, and true meaning in “the daily grind” of life. Sari teaches her clients to use their challenges as springboards for growth, and to live life truly inspired.

Sari is a successful wife and mother to a large family, bli ayin hara. She synchronizes her life experience and her life coach skills to lead her clients to heights, happiness, and success they never dreamed attainable. Sari has a broad base of delighted clients of all ages, ranging from High School grads through parents. One of Sari’s specialties is career consulting. He clients have never worked a day in their lives, because Sari helped them realize their inner selves and talents, and they’ve entered careers they enjoy. Sari makes it her mission to help you discover your unique personality, channel your innate strengths, and put you in touch with your highest values. She will work together with you to place you on the path to a long-term career that you will succeed in because you are great at it, and stick with because you love it. Allow her to broaden your prospects and not limit your choices to those that your older sister or neighbor made.

Reach out to Sari today for a pressure-free consult.

P: 917-375-9404 E: